Friday, May 11, 2012

a few lessons

Things are always a little more difficult in practice. Theory is great, but applying the concepts that one learns is the real challenge. "Easier said than done", they say. When I got here, I knew things were going to be difficult. I had to learn many things about our employees, business environment, competitors, and even our own products. I arrived to a place that had little organization and expectations which caused a lot of frustration. I still remember the first meeting with all the employees: everyone knew what was wrong, but no one had a solution. Only dialogue can solve these type of situations and we were able to figure some things out.

Thankfully that part is over, but a new phase will start in a few weeks. I know the things that need to change and I have a decent idea of how to change them, but the applying is going to be the challenge. But I'll write more about that when the situation arrives. For now, here are a few things I've learned lately.

I've gained a new respect for leaders. Whether that is coaches, president of organizations, coordinators, event planners, student leaders, PA's, or anything that has to do with guiding other people. I believe that I have a lot of room for improvement in this area; from communication to strategic planning. People are very willing to work hard, but without solid guidance, things get done but at a very low pace.

My discipline is embarrassingly weak. I have come to realize that without discipline, you cannot obtain the things that you want the most. Whether that is traveling around the globe or a new car, you must have the discipline to put in the work needed to get to what you want. In my case, one of my goals was to read two books a month, and I've been 'partly successful'. In other words, I'm disciplined part of the time. I won't post until I finish another book... so less than two weeks from now? Let's shoot for earlier!

I love living here. I must admit that I would like to live elsewhere later on in life, but Ecuador is perfect for me right now. I want to enjoy the company of my parents now, while they are still young. I want to get my hands dirty from work and talk to poorest of the poor too (a post on this to come!). I want see our business develop and grow. I know I can do all those things anywhere, but there is something especial about doing it here. I wish I could put it into words. It's just the magic of home, I suppose.

We are already planning some great adventures for the summer; everything from sports to checking out waterfalls around the country. It will stop raining so much soon and the summer will arrive!

Please let me know how you are doing! I love getting your updates. Until the next time!

P.S. I'll be in Indiana. Let's meet!