Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cotacachi y Cuicocha

Life is a marvelous gift.

Sometimes people, situations, events, make you think otherwise.

Life gets complicated. You make mistakes. People fail you. You fail. You get distracted of what really matters.

But past is past, and a new day always comes to give you a new chance.

A new opportunity to be better, and grow.

Fly higher than you did before.

For that and more,

I thank you God.

I haven't been able to travel as much as I wanted since I arrived home. I dislike making excuses, but it has been a little rainy lately. But the summer is around the corner and I am training hard so I'm prepared for the season.

I have gone in a couple adventures though. The first one was in Quiroga, a town situated about 50 minutes from home. There is a beautiful lake formed by volcanic activity named Cuicocha. The lake itself is the crater of a volcano called Cotacachi, which is still active but with little activity for thousands of years.

Here are some pictures:


Cotacachi Volcano

It was an easy but great hike. It took us about five hours to complete and we were able to see Ibarra (my city), Otavalo (very famous city), Imbabura Volcano and even San Pablo Lake!

Then, a couple weeks ago, my twin brothers and I decided to go in a crazy adventure on a rainy day. This time we went to Mojanda Lake, located 35 minutes from Otavalo. This is also a lake formed by strong volcanic activity that took place thousands of years ago. We hiked a mountain called Fuya Fuya. It's a three-hour hike and even though it was rainy and cloudy, we all enjoyed. The trip definitely left us wishing for warmer and sunnier days, but the views were still great. Here are a few pics:


Hike up to Fuya-Fuya

Ruben and Ricardo at the top. Needless to say, we will be back in the summer. 

I'll be posting more as time goes!

Thank you for reading!

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